Hello World!

Ahnaf Alfariza
Ahnaf Alfariza

The only limit is your minds

Napoleon Hill

This is the first post on my new blog. I’m just getting this new blog going. I would love to share opinions and stories, so stay tuned for more. Can’t wait to see where this leads!

More stories

My (realistic or ideal) day-to-day as a software engineer

Ahnaf Alfariza
Ahnaf Alfariza

What does my (typical or ideal) day-to-day as a software engineer look like?

Crossing Path to Computer Science

Ahnaf Alfariza
Ahnaf Alfariza

My personal experience when pursuing computer science degree and why I choose the major. Is this a decision I regret?

Lets get in touch!

Have any suggestion or interested in working together on a project?

Go ahead, I'd love to connect with you.

© Ahnaf Alfariza 2021