
Ahnaf Alfariza
Ahnaf Alfariza

What does my (typical or ideal) day-to-day as a software engineer look like?

Crossing Path to Computer Science

Ahnaf Alfariza
Ahnaf Alfariza

My personal experience when pursuing computer science degree and why I choose the major. Is this a decision I regret?

How Do I Make My Personal Website

Ahnaf Alfariza
Ahnaf Alfariza

Been as a cold project since 2020, and finally realized it on June 2021. Really happy to share with you the journey

Hello World!

Ahnaf Alfariza
Ahnaf Alfariza

This is the first post on my new blog. I’m just getting this new blog going. I would love to share opinions and stories, so stay tuned for more. Can’t wait to see where this leads.

Lets get in touch!

Have any suggestion or interested in working together on a project?

Go ahead, I'd love to connect with you.

© Ahnaf Alfariza 2021